mHealth solutions: the future of health care

Gone are the days of shuffling papers and making phone calls or visits to collect and pass on results. With the introduction of mobile health operating systems, information can now be shared at the touch of a screen. As mobile health becomes more widespread, solutions are proliferating.

Through cloud computing, people can have seamless access to shared data, resources and common infrastructure.

Over the network, organizations can offer services on demand and carry out tasks that meet changing needs and standards. Electronic applications make it possible to do all this, and more, in the health care setting.

Mobile health, or mHealth, incorporates cloud computing technology and devices such as tablets, mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) for a variety of purposes.

But while it can make eHealth applications and medical information available anywhere at anytime, it must also be portable, secure and easy to use.

The range of applications and services supported by mHealth systems include:

  • Mobile telemedicine, used for remote consultations
  • Storing and sharing of patient data
  • Personalized monitoring of vitals, now enhanced through interconnectedness with wearable devices
  • Location-based medical services to ensure delivery of locally-relevant information
  • Emergency response and management
  • Pervasive access to health care information.

But as mobile technology gathers pace, the possibilities may be limited only to our imagination.

Advantages and challenges of mobile technology in health care

As governments and individuals experience ever-greater pressure to increase efficiency, mHealth solutions can offer numerous advantages.

The mobility of an interconnected, wireless system means that it can be used anywhere, and specifically at the point of care.

Collaboration can reduce the risk of errors: there is less physical paperwork to get lost and a reduced risk of two doctors making different decisions.

Point-of-care digital tools can help to safeguard patients and protect professionals against litigation through instant recording of data and potential for verification in real time and in the future.

mHealth can save time and money by enabling instant recording of information and a reduction in the duplication of tasks. It can enable virtual meetings, eliminating the need to move physically to a new location.

Pooling of data and resources can lead to closer collaboration and stronger teams. Professional development becomes more feasible due to instant, online delivery of research, training materials and other updates.

The challenges of mHealth solutions include the practicalities of data storage and management, availability and maintenance of the network, as well as compatibility and interoperability.

The biggest issue is perhaps security and privacy, raising questions about permission control, data anonymity and confidentiality, as well as the integrity of the infrastructure.

The initial financial outlay and training and resistance to change within an organization may pose further challenges.

A case in point: Medopad

To investigate mHealth solutions further, Medical News Today have been investigating a specific example, “Medopad,” recently represented at the “Internet of Things” conference and exhibition in London, UK.

Medopad is a mobile health operating system (mHOS™) that provides software, security, data connectivity and more to a number of major National Health Service (NHS) hospitals in London, amongst others.

We asked Jesko Bartelt, head of business operations at Medopad, about the concept.

Is Medopad a device or an app?

He told us that it is neither an app nor a device, but provides software solutions.

“Medopad is a mobile health platform that delivers […] workflow solutions that provide easy access to unified and comprehensive patient information across hospital departments and multiple locations.”

Additional functions include the incorporation of the Apple Watch to help manage chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients.

There is also a Google-glass app that surgeons can wear during surgery, enabling them to share a procedure for training purposes or consultation with other specialists who are not in the room.

How does Medopad work with existing systems?

Bartelt explained to MNT that Medopad integrates with and complements existing hospital systems, by collecting all data from hospital databases and collating them into a central source. Doctors can access this information quickly from an iPad.

One function might be a physician taking a photo of a patient’s visible symptoms and sharing them through the system with other professionals, who can then give advice.

How does Medopad deal with patient data?

Bartelt explained that Medopad does not contain data, but it provides access to a wide range of health care and patient data. Doctors can use it to interact with patient records, access lab results, view vital signs, take images and more.

The device means that hospitals can pool their patients’ data so it can be “served up to doctors on mobile devices in real-time.” Bartelt explains:

The Apple Watch apps, Bartelt said, allows doctors to connect with their patients to provide better support and ultimately better care.

출처: Medical News Today

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