The ocean, a source of treatment for some of the world's worst diseases
The ocean is the cradle of all life on our planet. Humans have known about its health benefits for centuries...
Herpesvirus triggers cervical cancer affecting nearly 1 in 4 adult sea lions
after more than three decades of research, scientists have proven that the cancer affecting up to one in four adult California sea lions necrospied...
Telemedicine robots to take over monitoring of patients
Telemedicine robots are soon to be a part of the health sector in the city with at least 16 telemedicine robots to enable doctors to treat patients and ...
UK announces vision for future of clinical research
The report focuses on fostering a data-driven, patient-focused approach to clinical research delivery...
한미약품, 방역지침 철저히 지키며 제11기 주주총회 개최
전자투표 도입해 물리적 접촉 통한 감염 위험성 차단 그룹 지주회사 한미사이언스도 제48기 주주총회 열어 ...
Scientific Paper by NutriLeads Shows That Its Plant-based RG-I Food Ingredients Support Immune Function and Modulate the Microbiota
First scientific data showing immune supportive properties of plant-based RG-I derived from bell pepper and carrot Study published in the “Nutrition ...
Protein fingerprinting in minutes
Researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Francis Crick Institute have developed a mass spectrometry-based ...
한미약품, 3년째 국내 처방의약품 1위…매출액 21% R&D 집중 투자
한미약품은 국내 처방의약품 분야 선두 주자로서 탄탄한 내실 성장을 일구고 있다. 또 내실 성장을 통해 마련한 캐시카우를 혁신신약 개발을 ...
Most pediatricians believe telehealth is here to stay
In a recent study, pediatric clinicians referenced patient demand as the number-one factor driving increased use of telemedicine ...
Gamification for patient care, medical education, and virtual engagement
“Gamification” – adding game-like elements into non-game or real-world settings – has become a popular concept in the pharmaceutical, healthcare ...
Uniform drying time for goldenseal to enhance medicinal qualities of forest herb
Developing a standardized drying protocol for goldenseal could lead to more predictable health applications and outcomes by preserving ...
Study finds impact of genome sequencing in diagnosing rare diseases<
A clinical study drove by journal Genome Medicine, constituted a major leap forward in the emerging field of precision medicine ...
Why the next generation of remote patient monitoring holds the key to a new model of care delivery
With its ability to extend care into the home for all patients, including high-risk and high-acuity patients, and provide a data-first approach to healthcare, this next ...
한미사이언스와 손잡은 바이오앱, 하반기 특례상장 추진
바이오앱, 식물 단백질 활용 의약품 개발 기업 한미사이언스와 코로나19 그린백신 개발 나서 현재 동물실험 단계, 후보물질서 높은 항체 반응 확인 올해 하반기 기술특례로 코스닥 상장 목표 ...
바이오앱, 한미사이언스·포스텍과 코로나19 그린백신 개발
식물 생명 공학 기술을 활용한 글로벌 바이오 제약 회사 바이오앱이 한미사이언스(008930), 포스텍과 공동으로 ...
한미약품, '랩스커버리' 희귀신약 2종 글로벌 개발 속도
한미약품이 랩스커버리 플랫폼기술을 접목한 희귀질환 신약 2종을 앞세워 글로벌시장 진출 시동을 건다. 상반기 중 선천성 ...
Telehealth is ready for its second dose – introducing virtual care 2.0
While 2020 incited widespread adoption of video-based consultations, the healthcare ecosystem is now presented ...
New method facilitates development of antibody-based drugs
In recent years, therapeutic antibodies have transformed the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases ...
Data analytics strategy represents a сomprehensive approach to handle massive data sets with specific technologies ...
New form of symbiosis discovered
Researchers from Bremen, together with their colleagues from the Max Planck Genome Center in Cologne and the aquatic ...
EHR Data is as Effective as COVID-19 Contact Tracing Methods
Extracting household patient EHR data proved to be as effective at tracking transmission as COVID-19 contact tracing ...
Are good bacteria getting viral infections?
Researchers have developed a test to determine if bacteria are sick, similar to the one used to test humans for COVID-19 ...
Telephone CBT-I Shown to Improve Sleep, Fatigue in Older Adults With Osteoarthritis Pain
Patients with osteoarthritis-related pain were shown to benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) via telephone ...
How Smart Healthcare Monitoring System Helps
The healthcare system uses a smart healthcare monitoring system as it helps them efficiently monitor the health of the patients ...
Hydrangea Root: Supplements, Uses, and Benefits
Hydrangea is a popular decorative plant because of its blue and lavender-colored flowers. It belongs to the Hydrangeaceae ...
AppliedVR Completes Pivotal Trial Finding Virtual Reality Is a Holistic Treatment for Chronic Pain
AppliedVR, a pioneer advancing the next generation of digital medicine, today announced results from its pivotal ...
Brown, Lifespan, Care New England to create integrated academic health system
Lifespan and Care New England signed a definitive agreement to merge and create, with Brown and its Warren Alpert Medical School ...
한미 NASH 혁신신약, 대한민국신약개발상 기술수출상 수상
한미약품이 개발해 작년 미국MSD에 기술수출한 NASH(비알코올성지방간염) 치료 혁신신약이 대한민국신약개발상 기술수출상을 받는다 ...
Skin patch serves as all-in-one health monitor
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a soft, stretchy skin patch that can be worn on the neck to ...
How will smart cities provide new ways of living and working? Ever thought about that...
AI and accelerated computing ring in new era for healthcare
The COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on drug discovery, which encompasses microscopic viewing of molecules and proteins ...
An Octopus Could Be the Next Model Organism
Big-brained cephalopods could shine light on the evolution and neurobiology of intelligence, complexity, and more—and ...
한미 '광속 TF', 디지털 치료제 도입해 코로나 치료제 개발
광속TF 임상설계 담당 헤링스 남병호 대표 인터뷰 한미 ‘광속 TF’ 코로나 치료제 개발 윤곽 코로나19 환자 상태에 최적화된 맞춤형 치료제 개발 ...
[JPMHC] 한미약품, 올해 신약 2종 FDA 허가 목표..."mRNA 등 생산 역량 갖춰"
JP모건 콘퍼런스서 코로나19 대응·글로벌 R&D 전략 공개 유전자백신 대량생산, 콜드마스크, 진단키트 출시 등 제시 연내 신약 2개(롤론티스, 오락솔) ...
코로나19 종식 위한 디지털 치료제 허가 임상 도전
헤링스 대표이사 남병호 박사 (한미사이언스 광속 TF 디지털치료제 공동개발자) COVID19 팬데믹 상황을 종식시키기 위한 오픈 이노베이션 ...
Gyroscope Therapeutics, UPenn to develop gene therapies for serious eye diseases
Two teams of researchers from Gyroscope Therapeutics and the University of Pennsylvania are joining forces to explore gene therapy targets ...
VUMC researchers use EHR data to study functional seizures
The team found that post-traumatic stress disorders and sexual assault trauma were associated with functional seizures...
Scientists from St. Petersburg University discovered the virus-like particles in Bryozoa
Although viruses have never been reported inside symbiotic bacteria in bryozoans, scientists suggest that this 'matryoshka doll' ...
올해 접종할 코로나19 백신, 개발 원리와 특성 제각각
아스트라제네카·얀센 백신, '열에 안정적' 화이자·모더나, RNA 백신 첫 제품화…대량생산 가능 국내 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) ...
RNA vaccines: an introduction
RNA based vaccines, which are relatively quick and inexpensive to make and may be safer to use could herald more rapid control over the ...
The vaccine by Pfizer has been authorized for emergency use by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to prevent Coronavirus Disease ...
한미사이언스, 코로나 팬데믹 종식 위한 ‘광속 TF’ 발족
한미사이언스는 2021년 1월, 이 비즈니스를 담당할 ‘광속 TF' 를 발족하고 코로나 치료를 위한 백신, 신약개발, 디지털 혁신치료 등 차세대 ...
How top EHR vendors are prepping their systems for COVID-19 vaccines
Allscripts, athenahealth, Cerner, DrChrono, Epic, Greenway Health, Meditech and NextGen offer an up-to-the-minute look at how they’re enabling ...
Singapore firms trialling use of digital health passports to verify travellers’ COVID-19 test results
Singapore firms have developed digital health passports that can verify travellers’ COVID-19 test results, as the country gradually reopens ...
£10 million research collaboration to detect lung cancer earlier
Ground-breaking medical research in a consortium led by two UK universities will explore new ways to diagnose lung cancer earlier and save lives ...
상반기 완제약 생산실적 10조원 넘어…한미약품 1위
올해 상반기 완제의약품 생산실적이 10조원을 넘어섰다. 코로나19 위기 상황 속에서도 국내 제약기업의 의약품 생산과 공급에는 차질이 없었던 것이다 ...
COVID-19 Candidate Vaccine Progresses to Phase 1 Clinical Trials
BAT’s US Biotech arm, Kentucky BioProcessing (KBP) today announced plans to commence a Phase I first-time-in-human study of its COVID-19 ...
Technology brings care to home for chronically ill patients
Video visits, temperature sensors and wearables can replace the need for clinic visits. The pandemic has only accelerated this process ...
Identification of novel biosynthetic pathways in lichens could lead to new therapeutics
Scientists have identified a new family of biosynthetic genes in lichens with unknown functions, which could produce new molecules for ...
Covid-19 is bringing digital therapeutics to the forefront of medicine
This burgeoning industry has been propelled to the forefront of medicine with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, which shined a light ...
경구용 항암신약 '오락솔', 주사제 대비 PFS·OS 등 우수
한미약품이 개발한 경구용 항암신약 오락솔(성분명 파클리탁셀)이 임상3상에서 정맥 주사 항암제 대비 우수한 효과를 보인 것으로 나타났다 ...
Orascovery Platform
The novel P-gp inhibitor encequidar (formerly known as HM30181A) forms the cornerstone of our Orascovery platform. Encequidar enables ...
Clinical Catch-Up: November 9-13
It was a particularly busy week for clinical trial updates, mostly because of several virtual conferences, including the virtual American Heart ...
Ingredient in potential Covid-19 vaccine has shark researchers worried
Shark researchers in Miami, Florida, the United States, say they’re concerned about a key ingredient used to make vaccines more ...
Johns Hopkins University To Research Cannabinoid Therapies Via New Partnership
Johns Hopkins University is collaborating with Realm of Caring and Bloom Medical on a research initiative focused on cannabinoid ...
Plant-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate enters Phase 2 trial
A biopharmaceutical company has announced positive Phase 1 trial results of a potential plant-based COVID-19 vaccine...
Telemedicine can reduce wait times for highly-sought dermatology visits
The researchers said their study offers evidence that photo-based telemedicine can be a more efficient way to deliver care in dermatology ...
활용가치 다양한 심평원 RWD, CDM으로 극대화 전망
RWD(Real World Data, 실제임상자료)를 활용해 도출한 RWE(Real-World Evidence, 실제임상근거)의 다양한 활용가능성이 최근 주목되는 가운데...
한미약품 세계 최초 4제 복합신약 ‘아모잘탄엑스큐’ 허가
한미약품이 세계 최초로 고혈압, 이상지질혈증 치료 성분 4가지를 한 알에 담아낸 4제 복합신약을 허가 받았다 ...
FDA greenlights digital therapeutic for Apple Watch to quell PTSD nightmares
The De Novo authorization marks the latest in a string of FDA nods for digital therapeutics, a class of devices a sector trade group says ...
eGenesis Announces Research Collaboration with Leading Academic Medical Center
eGenesis, a biotechnology company using breakthrough gene editing technologies for the development of safe and effective human-compatible organs...
How The Internet Of Things Can Help Hospitals Cope With Coronavirus
The European Commission has launched an €8 million project that aims to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to increase and enhance the remote care ...
Robots and chatbots can help alleviate the mental health epidemic
The global pandemic we’ve been dealing with since March has had a profound impact on our mental health. If this feels like the universe is piling on ...
Beetroot Peptide May Hold Promise in Treating MS, Similar Diseases
A small protein isolated from beetroot is able to block the activity of an enzyme called prolyl oligopeptidase (POP), which breaks down certain ...
Clinical Catch-Up: October 26-30
AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford reported that their COVID-19 vaccine increases immune responses in older and younger adults against COVID-19...
Beetroot peptide as potential drug candidate for treating diseases
In a recent study, a research group led by Christian Gruber at MedUni Vienna's Institute of Pharmacology isolated a peptide (small protein molecule) ...
한미약품 계열사 JVM, 3분기 매출 849억원…전년 比 7.7%↑
한미사이언스 계열사인 제이브이엠은 올해 3개 분기 누적 매출액 849억원과 영업이익 98억원으로 전년 동기 대비 각각 7.7%, 23.2% 증가한 것으로 ...
Moleculin Announces Additional Collaboration on Drug Candidate Targeting COVID-19
Moleculin Biotech, Inc.,a clinical stage pharmaceutical company with a broad portfolio of drug candidates targeting highly resistant tumors and viruses...
These Oceanographers Want to Turn Marine Slime Into Drugs
A crew of technicians will hoist a remotely operated vehicle dubbed Hercules from its berth on an oceanographic research vessel down into a patch ...
포항, 미래 성장 핵심 ‘바이오산업’ 선도도시 입지 굳힌다
코로나19 세계적인 대유행으로 감염병에 대한 백신 개발 등 바이오산업이 유망 분야로 떠오르고 있다. 바이오산업은 또한 급속한 성장과 글로벌 주도권을 차지할 ...
Scientists develop genetic 'monitors' that detect when genes are active
Genetic sensors that can detect the activity from genes, rather than just the genes themselves, have been developed by a team led by University ...
Repurposed Drugs, Molecular Vaccines, Immune‐Modulators, and Nanotherapeutics to Treat and Prevent COVID‐19 Associated with SARS‐CoV‐2, a Deadly Nanovector
The deadly pandemic, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), caused due to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), has paralyzed the world...
Canada to Purchase Home-Grown COVID-19 Vaccine
Medicago coronavirus Virus-Like Particle vaccine was produced from a plant-based platform...
Cyanobacteria: Small candidates as great hopes for medicine and biotechnology
The 'stars' of bioeconomy are proteins, algae, microorganisms, and other tiny creatures with great impact...
FDA Grants Full Approval to Remdesivir for COVID-19
Shares of Gilead Sciences are jumping in aftermarket trading following full approval for Veklury (remdesivir) as a treatment for COVID-19 ...
HemoShear Therapeutics Enters into Rare Liver Disease Research Collaboration with Takeda
HemoShear Therapeutics, LLC, a privately held clinical stage biotechnology company, has entered into a research collaboration and service ...
Post-Stroke Rehab at Home May Work Best
Could telehealth help paralyzed stroke victims recover their motor skills faster than they would working directly with a physical therapist...
Cognitive behavioral therapy reduces insomnia symptoms among young drinkers
More than half of young adults at risk for alcohol-related harm report symptoms of insomnia. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of ...
Researchers discovered the second 'key' used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to enter into huma
To efficiently infect human cells, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is able to use a receptor called Neuropilin-1 ...
Technology Trends in Healthcare Today
Rapid technological progress has created new tools for diagnostics and treatment. Medical professionals use methods that were ...
오브맘 LIFE OFMOM APP, ‘2020 굿디자인 어워드’ 선정
임산모 및 아이의 건강을 위한 제품과 서비스를 제공하는 오브맘(Ofmom)의 LIFE OFMOM APP이 이번 ‘2020 굿디자인 어워드(Good Design Award)’에 선정되었다 ...
한미약품, 제약업계 '지속가능경영' 1위 기업 선정
한미약품이 국내 제약기업 중 가장 우수한 지속가능경영을 실행하고 있다는 평가가 나왔다. 한미약품은 16일 한국표준협회가 ...
Researchers develop highly scalable, accurate antibody test for COVID-19
An antibody test for the virus that causes COVID-19, developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin ...
5G and the future of healthcare
Integrating 5G network technology and today’s digital healthcare technology will improve patients’...
Digital cognitive behavioral therapy reduces insomnia severity, improves quality of life
Digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia reduced Insomnia Severity Index scores and ...
Epigenetics Drives Antifungal Resistance
Each year fungal diseases affect billions of people globally, causing an estimated 1.6 million deaths ...
Machine learning aids gene activation discovery
Scientists have long known that human genes spring into action through instructions delivered by the precise ...
Innovate UK backs ATDBio & University of Oxford research in single-cell sequencing
ATDBio, a leader in complex oligonucleotide synthesis, and a research team at the Botnar Research Centre...
Genetic study of proteins is a breakthrough in drug development for complex diseases
An innovative genetic study of blood protein levels, led by researchers in the MRC Integrative Epidemiology ...
Remote monitoring at the centre of a proactive care model
Jane Van Aken, Development Director at Spirit Digital, outlines the five key necessities for successful implementation ...
Enesi Pharma Partners with The University of Adelaide
Enesi Pharma, a biotechnology company developing next-generation vaccination products targeting serious diseases...
First Demonstration of Neuro Therapeutic Tropane Alkaloids Produced in Yeast
Researchers report the first successful microbial biosynthesis of the tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine...
Flashes bright when squeezed tight: How single-celled organisms light up the oceans
Research explains how a unicellular marine organism generates light as a response to mechanical stimulation, lighting up breaking waves at night...
Optogenetics for Plants
The technology of optogenetics has revolutionized some key areas of mammalian biology, particularly the study of the brain...
Study Shows Colostrum Neutralizes Oral Scours Vaccine
Results show that the oral scour vaccine is inactivated and rendered ineffective in the presence of colostrum ...
Mayo Clinic to Automate Patient Triage in ED to Reduce Physician Burden, Optimize Emergency
Room Visits
Mayo Clinic has inked a partnership Diagnostic Robotics to automate their patient triage system...
Marine algae from the Kiel Fjord discovered as a remedy against infections and skin cancer
Healing with the help of marine organisms is no utopia. Already 12 life-saving drugs, e.g. against cancer, have been developed ...
Novo Nordisk Foundation puts up €100M for green manufacturing
Some pharmas may be offsetting their carbon footprints, but few are actively using green alternatives to make their...
Stanford Medicine trial to test favipiravir for treating COVID-19 outpatients
Researchers want to determine whether favipiravir, an oral drug, is effective in reducing the severity of symptoms and shortening the duration...
New AI Accurately Translates 93% of Prescription Information Imported into EHRs
Healthcare technology company DrFirst has announced the release of its next generation, patented SmartSig AI technology to improve the quality of patient medication...
Microscope allows gentle, continuous imaging of light-sensitive corals
Corals are "part animal, part plant, and part rock—and difficult to figure out, despite being studied for centuries," says Philippe Laissue of University of Essex...
Plant tissue engineering improves drought and salinity tolerance
After several years of experimentation, scientists have engineered thale cress, or Arabidopsis thaliana, to behave like a succulent, improving water-use efficiency...
Educators call to improve quality of education
With the outbreak of the Coronavirus, over 260 million students in India have been impacted.
셀트리온, 삼바, 한마사이언스, 삼성제약 바이오클러스터 속도낸다
신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 사태를 계기로 바이오 클러스터를 구축하려는 국내 제약•바이오 기업들이 늘고 있다. 지역 거점지역에 집중적으로...
How digital health solutions have prevailed during Covid-19 and set the stage for a digital-first future
Health care providers and payors remain immersed in the pandemic. Deaths and hospital admissions hover well above normal levels, requiring emergency response measures to manage and care for thousands of patients.
The secret to bats' immunity
An international research team led by Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, has identified molecular and genetic mechanisms that allow bats to stay healthy while hosting viruses that kill other animals.
A bacteriophage (/bækˈtɪərioʊfeɪdʒ/), also known informally as a phage (/feɪdʒ/), is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea. The term was derived from "bacteria" and the Greek φαγεῖν (phagein), meaning "to devour".
임종윤 대표, 한미약품그룹의 ‘포스트 코로나’ 이끈다
임종윤 한미사이언스 대표가 한미약품그룹의 ‘포스트 코로나’ 시대의 청사진 마련에 앞장서고 있다. 임 대표는 최근 임원회의에서 한미사이언스의 6대 비전을 제시하면서...
The necessity and challenges of oral vaccines
Mucosal immunology is the study of immune system responses occurring in any surface that is in contact with the external environment. The intestines, respiratory tract, and the urogenital tract all belong to the mucosal barrier.
Dr LEE Jong-wook, Former WHO Director-General
LEE Jong-wook was nominated on 28 January 2003 by the World Health Organization's Executive Board for the post of Director-General of the agency and elected to the post on 21 May by the Member States of WHO for a five-year term.
Hanmi Science Oral Vaccine Platform to give a next generation Orascovery science
Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells (also known as accessory cells) of the mammalian immune system. Their main function is to process antigen material and present it on the cell surface to the T cells of the immune system. They act as messengers between the innate and the adaptive immune systems.
Hanmi Science口服疫苗平台提供下一代Orascovery科学
Knock-knock? Who's there? How coral let symbiotic algae in
New work from a team of Carnegie cell, genomic and developmental biologists solves a longstanding marine science mystery that could aid coral conservation.
Researchers develop microscopy technique for noninvasive evaluation of wound healing
Researchers at the GSK Center for Optical Molecular Imaging have developed a new microscope that looks at the different parameters that change during wound healing.
한미사이언스 '그린 바이오' 혁신신약·생산공법 도입
한미약품그룹 지주회사 한미사이언스는 바이오앱과 식물 기반 재조합 단백질 생산 플랫폼 기술을 활용한 다양한 신약개발 협력과 혁신적 바이오 생산 공법을 도입하는 내용의 MOU를 체결했다고 17일 밝혔다.
Hanmi Science Launch innovative ‘Green Bio’ drug development platform and manufacturing system
Hanmi Science, a holding company of Hanmi Group, will introduce an innovative biological drug development platform and manufacturing system by forming a strategic partnership with one of the most promising Korean biotech startup, Bioapp.
Clew snags EUA for COVID-19 predictive screening tool
The screening system is a standalone software as a medical device product that uses vital signs, laboratory data, medications and other information to assess the likelihood a patient has been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
한미사이언스,경북 포항에'스마트 헬스케어' 단지 설립
한미사이언스(한미약품그룹 지주회사)가 포항융합기술산업지구(펜타시티)에 한미약품그룹 미래비전 실현의 주춧돌이 될 '한미 스마트 헬스케어 시티'를 건립한다.
How Sugar-Tagging Helps Drugs Target Prostate Cancer Cells
To cure prostate cancer, scientists decided to capitalize on the Warburg effect, which involves tumor cells' inclination to eat lots of "sugar".
Researchers suggest oral polio vaccine be tested to see if it might help against SARS-CoV-2
In a Perspective piece published in the journal Science, a small international team of researchers is suggesting that the oral polio vaccine be tested to see if it might protect people from infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
New plant gene editing approach improves speed, scalability and heritability
A study recently published in Nature Plants outlines a new approach that may significantly speed the development of new plant varieties by skipping tissue culture and boosting heritability.
Experts discuss online education post-COVID-19
Online education will continue to play a key role, even though COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control measures have been normalized, education officials, experts, and teachers confirmed during a webinar held on June 7.
A strategic approach to COVID-19 vaccine R&D
There is an unprecedented need to manufacture and distribute enough safe and effective vaccine to immunize an extraordinarily large number of individuals in order to protect the entire global community from the continued threat of morbidity and mortality from severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus
RCT: Nutrigenomics effective for long-term diet success
Genetically-tailored nutrition advice can be used in research and clinical practice to motivate greater long-term dietary change and adherence to dietary guidelines, according to a new randomized controlled trial.
Lifestyle Intervention In Kids Reduces LDL C And Atherosclerosis Risk
Higher plasma total and LDL cholesterol concentrations in childhood have been reported to be associated with atherosclerosis in adulthood. Researchers at University of Eastern Finland have found in a new study that individualised and family-based physical activity and dietary intervention reduced
한미약품 경구용 치료제 ‘치쏙정’ 내달 출시
위생적이면서도 간편한 치질약 신제품이 한미약품에서 출시된다. 한미약품의 치질치료제 라인 강화를 위해 출시된 <치쏙정(디오스민600mg)>은 경구용 치질약으로 지난해 출시된 일회용 바르는 치질약 <치쏙크림>과 병용할 수 있는 제품이다.
Mobile health and apps news in brief
Digital Health’s latest mobile apps round-up features news that Patient Access has passed 10 million UK users and Pando Health has been added to the NHS Apps library. Patient Access passes 10 million UK users Ten million NHS patients are now registered on the Patient Access app, powered by EMIS, following a spike in users due to coronavirus.
Mental health: Probing the boundaries of AI in healthcare
Slowly but surely, automated diagnosis using artificial intelligence (AI) has progressed beyond the realm of science fiction into reality. Researchers, companies and healthcare providers have developed and implemented AI systems to help them examine radiology scans, detect cancer, and identify bacterial infections. There is even an AI-based symptom checker available online.
What is telehealth? How technology is improving the future of medicine
Technology isn't just for video games and social media. It can also give you access to important services, like medical aid. With telehealth, you're able to check in with healthcare professionals from the comfort of your own home, and that's just the start.
정부 ‘포스트 코로나’ 지속 가능한 해양수산 생태계 만든다
5월 31일은 ‘바다의 날’이다. 해양 산업의 중요성과 의의를 되새기는 한편 국민의 인식을 높이기 위해 제정됐다. 1996년 부산항 신선대부두에서 제1회 기념식이 열린 이래 올해로 25회를 맞게 됐다. 하지만 코로나19 여파로 애초 오는 29일 경북 울진군에서 개최 예정이던 기념식은 오는 7월 말로 연기됐다. 일정은 미뤄졌으나 바다를 바탕으로 한 우리나라 해양·수산분야는 쉬지 않고 움직이고 있다.
[언택트 시대 新산업] 코로나19에 확 뜬 '모바일 헬스케어'...ICT 업계 주목
코로나19 확산으로 모바일 헬스케어 서비스에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 코로나 사태에 환자와 접촉을 줄이며 치료할 수 있는 원격진료 서비스는 '언택트 산업'의 뜨거운 감자로 떠올랐다. 지난 2월부터 보건복지부에서 한시적으로 원격진료를 허용하고 있는 상황에, 정부까지 강하게 추진하고 있어 ICT(정보통신기술) 기업의 기대감이 커지고 있다.
치매 유전자가 코로나 감염 부른다
치매를 유발하는 유전자가 코로나 감염도 두 배나 더 잘 일으킨다는 연구결과가 나왔다. 앞서 치매 환자들이 코로나 바이러스에 더 잘 감염된다고 알려졌지만, 원인이 되는 유전자를 찾은 것은 이번이 처음이다.
인공지능 X-Ray로 '코로나19 진단'…정확도 86%
국내 연구진이 흉부 방사선 촬영(Chest X-ray) 영상을 인공지능으로 분석해 신종 코로나바이러스감염증(코로나19)을 진단할 수 있는 기술을 개발했다. 상시 빠르게 진단할 수 있는 기술로 정확도는 86% 정도다. 코로나19 선별 치료의 효율성을 높이는 진단법이 될 것으로 예상된다.
WCM-Q study: Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with intensive lifestyle change
A research study spearheaded by clinical researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar (WCM-Q) has shown for the first time that type-2 diabetes can be reversed in those originating from the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region
Covid-19 Will Accelerate the AI Health Care Revolution
Disease diagnosis, drug discovery, robot delivery—artificial intelligence is already powering change in the pandemic’s wake. That’s only the beginning. ON NEW YEAR’S Eve of last year, the artificial intelligence platform BlueDot picked up an anomaly. It registered a cluster of unusual pneumonia cases in Wuhan,
A clinical decision support system to help identify adverse health events in trauma patients
Chinese researchers from The Trauma Center of Peking University People's Hospital and National Institute of Health Data Science at Peking University are using big data to help identify trauma patients who could experience potential adverse health events in the emergency department through the aid of a clinical decision support system. It was developed using a novel real-world
10 minutes is all it takes to get coronavirus infection
This story will leave no doubt in your mind about why staying at home is the best preventive measure against the novel coronavirus. The story is based on research that determines how long does it takes for a healthy person to get a novel coronavirus infection from a Covid-19 patient.
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, where universities and institutions have shifted their campuses from physical to online, EC-Council has leaped forward. EC-Council has partnered with DIFC Academy to provide online masterclass training to its students. It is a strategic move to impart cybersecurity certified courses in UAE for the benefit of the students at large.
"박테리아 아닌 식물서 백신 추출…미래 '전염병 대응 모델' 된다"
작년 말 중국에서 시작된 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19)이 세계에 유행하면서 사람들의 일상을 바꿔놓고 있다. 코로나 바이러스는 일반적인 독감 바이러스와 비슷한 형태지만 아직 치료제와 백신이 없다.
'경구용 단백질 의약품' 개발, 국가가 지원한다
정부가 '경구용 단백질 의약품'에 대해 기술적·경제적 가능성을 인정하고 재정 및 특허연계를 지원해 주목된다. 이는 산업통상자원부가 도전적·혁신적 연구개발 확산을 위해 산업별 도전적 기술개발을 지원하는 '2020 챌린지 트랙'에 포함된 내용이다.
Taking biotech partnering to the next level to advance patient care
Biotech innovation in California, and especially in the Bay Area, continues to propel the world’s fifth-largest economy. While the economic impact of the life sciences sector is sizeable, $135.6 billion in the Bay Area alone, according to a recent Biocom study, the key driver for many biotech professionals is not economic
<친환경 도시로 가는 길> 기대되는 21세기 신농업 혁명
21세기 기후변화는 물부족, 식량부족, 석유고갈, 환경오염 등 우리들에게 많은 과제를 남겨놓고 있다. 결국 인류는 이런 과제를 해결하지 않고는 생존하여 나갈 수 없기 때문에 유엔을 중심으로 세계 각국들은 매년 기후변화 정상회담을 통하여 그 대안을 논의하고 있는 것이다. 따라서 많은 전문가들은 이를 뒷받침해 나갈 수 있는 기후산업이 앞으로 각광을 받는 첨단산업으로 등장하게 될 것이라고 전망하고 있다.
해양바이오 주요 연구 사례
해양바이오연구의 핵심, 한국생명공학연구원 한국생명공학연구원에서도 해양바이오 연구에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있고, 현재 다양한 연구를 추진하고 있는데 그 가운데 관심이 가는 몇 개의 연구프로젝트를 소개하고자 한다. 먼저, BIET기반 유해 미세조류 발생/소멸기작 규명 및 생태공학적 제어기술에 관한 연구가 이루어지고 있다.
해양바이오 R&D 현황
해양수산부의 해양바이오 관련 연구 역점 추진 2018년도 제4차 과학기술기본계획(2018.2) 정책방향과 4차 산업혁명 촉발로 인한 과학기술 생태계 변화를 반영한 해양수산과학기술 육성 전략을 위해 해양수산부에서는 해양수산과학기술 육성법 제5조에 따라,
바이오앱, "식물 이용해 백신 만들죠"
포항공과대학교(포스텍) 창업 벤처 바이오앱은 세계 최초로 식물 기반의 돼지열병 그린마커백신을 개발, 농림축산검역본부로부터 품목 허가를 받은 기업이다. 식물 단백질 고발현 및 분리 정제 관련 원천 기술을 갖고 있다.
Monitoring COVID-19 from hospital to home: First wearable device continuously tracks key symptoms
The more we learn about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the more unknowns seem to arise. These ever-emerging mysteries highlight the desperate need for more data to help researchers and physicians better understand — and treat — the extremely contagious and deadly disease.
Brain insulin sensitivity determines body weight and fat distribution
Just where fat is deposited in the body and to what degree a person may benefit from a lifestyle intervention depends, among other things, on how sensitive the brain is to insulin. If the person's brain responds sensitively to the hormone, a significant amount of weight can be lost, unhealthy
Women's lifestyle changes, even in middle age, may reduce future stroke risk
Middle age may not be too late for women to substantially reduce their stroke risk by not smoking, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight and making healthy food choices, according to new research published today in Stroke, a journal of the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association.
Cyber academy gets students interested in technology at an early age
Augusta has become a major cyber hub over the years, and the Richmond County school system is teaching it in schools. The Cyber Academy of Excellence in Richmond County brings cyber into the schools to get students interested in cyber technology at an early age.
中 톈진대, 코로나19 '경구 백신' 개발 주장…임상 추진
중국 톈진(天津) 대학 연구진이 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 경구 백신을 개발해 임상 시험을 추진 중이라는 보도가 나왔다. 25일 중국 환구망(環球網) 등에 따르면 톈진대 생명과학대 황진하이(黃金海) 교수 연구팀은 최근 코로나19 바이러스의 S 단백질과 숙주 세포의 바이러스 수용체 결합을 차단해 감염을 막는 백신을 개발했다고 밝혔다.
한미약품, 제약바이오 '양대산맥 협회' 석권
한미약품그룹이 제약바이오 산업의 양축을 담당하는 협회를 석권했다작년 1월 한미약품그룹의 지주회사 한미사이언스...
Injecting a TB vaccine into the blood, not the skin, boosts its effectiveness
The BCG vaccine is notoriously bad at preventing the most common form of tuberculosis Delivering a high dose of a vaccine against tuberculosis intravenously, instead of under the skin, greatly improves the drug’s ability to protect against the deadly disease, a new study finds.
한미사이언스, 경북-POSTECH-포항시와 '인재육성' 나서
한미약품그룹 지주회사 한미사이언스는 25일 경상북도, 포항공과대학교(이하 POSTECH), 포항시와 업무협력에 관한 양해각서(MOU)를 체결하고, K-바이오 글로벌 경쟁력 제고를 위한 바이오 분야 전문인력 육성 등에 나선다.
한미사이언스 관계사 코리 "맞춤형 헬스 플랫폼 FDA허가 추진"
한미사이언스 관계사 코리(Coree)가 생활습관 교정부터 질병 예측까지 가능한 자체 플랫폼 '라이프 인터벤션'의 미국 시장 진출을 추진한다. 미국 식품의약국(FDA)으로부터 의료용 ...
해양 미생물, 대규모 탄소 순환에 관여
바다 미생물이 지구의 탄소 순환에 큰 역할을 하고 있고, 따라서 기후 변화에도 영향을 미친다는 사실이 새롭게 밝혀졌다. 독일 막스플랑크 연구소 미생물학 연구팀과 마르부르크대 연구팀은 과학저널 ‘네이처’(Nature) 13일 자에 발표한 연구에서 50년 전에 발견된 한 미생물 대사 경로를 토대로 지구 탄소 순환에 대한 대규모 경로 하나를 새로 제시했다.
해양 미생물, 대규모 탄소 순환에 관여
바다 미생물이 지구의 탄소 순환에 큰 역할을 하고 있고, 따라서 기후 변화에도 영향을 미친다는 사실이 새롭게 밝혀졌다. 독일 막스플랑크 연구소 미생물학 연구팀과 마르부르크대 연구팀은 과학저널 ‘네이처’(Nature) 13일 자에 발표한 연구에서 50년 전에 발견된 한 미생물 대사 경로를 토대로 지구 탄소 순환에 대한 대규모 경로 하나를 새로 제시했다.
전 세계 산소의 10%를 생산하는 박테리아가 플라스틱 오염으로 위협받고 있다
맥쿼리 대학(Macquarie University)의 연구원은 플라스틱 오염이 인간이 호흡하는 산소의 10 %를 생산하는 바다에서 가장 풍부한 광합성 박테리아인 프로클로로코커스 (Prochlorococcus)의 성장, 광합성 및 산소 생산에 해를 끼친다고 보고했다.
New technology better controls type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes has no cure, and although there are several treatment options available, many people find managing the condition challenging. New technology could help reduce that burden. More than 1 million children and adults in the United States have type 1 diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association.
Bio-inspired nano-catalyst guides chiral reactions
Many medicines are twisted molecules with two mirror image versions, but the body uses only one. Inspired by photosynthetic bacteria, a team at the University of Michigan built a catalyst that guides chemical reactions toward the right version of twisted molecules. It could lead to more efficient production of some medicines.
Overcoming the blood-brain-barrier: Delivering therapeutics to the brain
For the first time, scientists have identified a simple way that can effectively transport medication into the brain -- which could lead to improved treatments for neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.
속도내는 ‘제형’ 업그레이드…글로벌 시장 ‘성패’ 부상
제약업계가 최근 매출 확대를 위해 제형 변경을 적극 시도하고 있다. 병원에서만 맞아야 했던 주사제의 불편함 대신 알약이나 물약과 같은 실제 환자들이 찾고 있는 약을 개발하고 있는 것이다. 이러한 제형 변경은 제약사의 특허 보호와 시장 확대라는 측면에서 업계의 관심을 모으고 있다.
한미약품 "항암신약 오락솔 글로벌 3상 추가 데이터 발표"
최근 글로벌 임상 3상 1차 결과가 발표돼 상용화 기대감을 높인 항암제 ‘오락솔’ 주요 연구 결과들이 해외 학회에서 추가 발표된다. 한미약품 파트너사 아테넥스는 27일 스페인 바르셀로나에서 개최되는 유럽종양학회(ESMO 2019)와, 오는 12월 미국 텍사스에서 열리는 샌안토니오 유방암 심포지엄(SABCS)에 참석해 오락솔 주요 연구 결과들을 발표할 계획이라고 23일(현지시각) 밝혔다.
석유를 분해하는 미생물 발견
석유를 에너지원으로 삼는 미생물이 발견됐다. ‘메타놀리파리아(Methanoliparia)’라고 명명된 이 미생물은 원유를 메탄으로 분해하는 과정에서 에너지를 얻는다. 지난 21일 과학기술매체 ‘Phys.org’에 따르면 ‘막스플랑크 해양미생물연구소(Max Planck Institute of Marine Microbiology)’와 ‘해양환경과학센터(MARUM)’의 연구자들은 멕시코만 해저 3000m에서 탄화수소 분해 효소를 지닌 새로운 미생물을 발견했다고 밝혔다. 연구 결과는 미생물학 저널인 ‘mBio’에 게재되었다.
Collaboration Aims to Discover New Immuno-oncology Targets
Harvard University and Merck are launching a collaboration that will provide significant research funding for up to four years...
New Wearable Device Helps Detect Dyskinesia in Parkinson's
A new wearable device that assesses motor fluctuations may be a useful tool for detecting dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease, a new study suggests. "The device, which is worn on the wrist like a watch, can tease out wearing off and dyskinesia and identify patients who need to see a neuro-specialist or who may need a neurosurgical procedure," lead author, Echo E. Tan, MD, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, told Medscape Medical News.
Time in range: a new way for people with diabetes to monitor blood sugar
Time in range, a new metric for people with diabetes, would have made no sense to those living with this disease 75 years ago.
웨어러블 기기는 미래 삶을 어떻게 바꿀까
미래엔 어떤 웨어러블 기기가 나오고 우리 삶은 또 어떻게 달라질까. 국내 웨어러블 기기 기술과 표준 전문가들이 한자리에 모여 사람들에게 제공해야 할 가치와 발전 방향, 과제를 논의했다. 향후 사람들이 가장 많이 사용하는 웨어러블 기기는 스마트워치, 기능으론 헬스케어가 꼽혔다.
Could smart vital sign monitoring provide an early warning system for hospitals?
An interview with Dr. Chris Subbe, Bangor University, conducted by April Cashin-Garbutt, MA (Cantab) How has vital sign monitoring advanced over recent years? Vital signs have been around for a long period of time. Taking the pulse is probably one of the oldest examinations that doctors have made to assess patients.
웨어러블 디바이스 접목한 한국형 의료시스템 개발 기대
응급 상황이 발생하면 환자가 착용한 웨어러블 디바이스(Wearable Device)를 통해 생체신호가 의료진에게 전달되고, 사진 등을 동시에 분석해 보다 정확한 상황을 의료진이 인지해 처치할 수 있는 시대가 머지않았다.
mHealth solutions: the future of health care
Gone are the days of shuffling papers and making phone calls or visits to collect and pass on results. With the introduction of mobile health operating systems, information can now be shared at the touch of a screen. As mobile health becomes more widespread, solutions are proliferating.